Cryptocurrency Information and Support


So the use of Bitcoin has brought in a wave of cryptocurrencies. Here are some key details and support tools to help you to understand how and what they are.  And more importantly what they mean to you.

First, Lets break down the basics of what Bitcoin represents:

How Bitcoin Works

Bitcoin is a digital currency. A decentralized system that records transactions in a ledger call a blockchain.

  • Bitcoin is a type of currency. It has a store of value, a payment network or an asset class.
  • It is also called software. Although stock images describe it as shiny coins that has been modified with Thai baht symbols. Bitcoin is all digital. A set of protocols and processes.
  • So the Bitcoin network is able to operate as its own economy. It does not require third party service providers. All because of the decentralized structure and peer-to-peer protocol of Bitcoin.

First, with the fast pace of the blockchain technologies comes risk and reward. Regulations are taking place across the globe to protect the consumers from this. And also note that OMINEX is the leader in making this happen.  They are the ones to watch.

Cryptocurrency – What Is It:

Cryptocurrency is typically decentralized digital money designed to be used over the internet. The most popular by market capitalization are Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash and Litecoin. Others are based on different technologies, or may have new features that allows them to be used for more than transfer value. Crypto makes it possible to transfer the value without using a bank or a payment processer. This can be done all around the globe instantly, 24/7 for a fee. Another good thing is that Crypto is not issued or controlled by any government.

Bitcoins are also stored in a wallet. The Digital Wallet we offer is Tipping Circle. Follow this link to find out more about this digital wallet web based Wallet. The wallet can also be on a mobile device. Also on a computer desktop. Every wallet contains a set of private keys. So without these keys the owner can not access the currency. A user can also lose the bitcoins when the computer crashes a hard drive. Also by hacking or by losing the computer.

Solutions offered include:

  • Solutions for keeping your Bitcoins and verifying legitimacy of the new coins offered to the World.
  • We offer a online Wallet called Tipping Circle to participate just follow this link.
  • Easy access to view the top Coins and to be able to buy/sell/aquire easily within a single Wallet.
  • Paving the way of the Future – this will be the #1 User Wallet and Solution for accessing and working with Cryptocurrencies.